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It was with joyful praise to the Lord that High Sabbath Adventists received the following multimedia presentation that was delivered on the momentous date of May 23, 2021, the full significance of which is revealed in the production itself. It includes the evidence that the everlasting covenant has been delivered by God the Father—who alone makes known the time of His Son’s return—to His children. The complete presentation, which is now being shared here for everyone who is interested, speaks for itself as to its purpose and meaning, so without further tedious words of introduction, please proceed to this finishing work that was done to the glory of God!
This presentation is also available for download as an offline presentation (zipped) for lectures and in PDF format. Please make good use of this offer!
Usage instructions: You can go forward and backward in the presentation by clicking on the arrows on the control bar at the bottom of the presentation. It works like a DVD player. The presentation can also be viewed in full screen mode, which we recommend (click the full-screen symbol on the right side of the control bar). The control bar is also available in full screen mode. You can exit full screen mode by pressing the ESC key on the keyboard.
FOR CELLPHONE USERS: It is recommendable to open the presentation using this link: “The Blessing of the 1335 Days” presentation for cellphone users. If you have any problems viewing the slides, you can also view it as a PDF file by clicking the following link: The Blessing of the 1335 Days - PDF Version. If you have any PDF reader installed on your cellphone, this is a nice way to view the slides, but without being able to hear the accompanying narration.
We offer additional study material at the download section of our LastCountdown website! (basic Studies of the first seven years since January 2010)WhiteCloudFarm Channel (our own video channel)WhiteCloudFarm.ETH (our censorship resistant ENS website with all our books and videos on the Interplanetary File System—IPFS, Brave Browser recommended)