Accessibility Tools
We encourage those who have looked up and seen the Sign of the Son of Man, to take a stand and publicly show their support by applying the Alpha & Omega Seal to their forehead in profile pictures for social networks, etc. We have provided this simple tool so that you can quickly do it yourself in a three-step process. May God bless you as you witness for Him!
The 144,000 were all sealed and perfectly united. On their foreheads was written, God, New Jerusalem, and a glorious star containing Jesus’ new name. At our happy, holy state the wicked were enraged, and would rush violently up to lay hands on us to thrust us into prison, when we would stretch forth the hand in the name of the Lord, and they would fall helpless to the ground. Then it was that the synagogue of Satan knew that God had loved us who could wash one another’s feet and salute the brethren with a holy kiss, and they worshiped at our feet. {EW 15.1}
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Save the final image to your device (by tap-and-holding the image and choosing the appropriate option). (basic Studies of the first seven years since January 2010)WhiteCloudFarm Channel (our own video channel)WhiteCloudFarm.ETH (our censorship resistant ENS website with all our books and videos on the Interplanetary File System—IPFS, Brave Browser recommended)